4933 Victoria Avenue North, Vineland

Client: 4933 Vic Court Globizen LP

Project Location: 4933 Victoria Avenue North, Vineland 


The proposal is a mixed-use brownfield redevelopment with approximately ±396 residential units, commercial space, hotel with associated spa, and publicly accessible programmed and passive open space. The proposed development has a gross floor area of 46,941m² (505,269ft²) and a maximum building height of 15-storeys. A total of 637 vehicle and 144 bicycle parking spaces are proposed on-site.

River Mill East Phase 5

Project Milestones

July 8, 2024: Statutory Public Meeting

June 27, 2024: Neighbourhood Open House.

Design Station Boards
– Planning Station Boards
Transportation Station Boards
Environment Station Boards

May 31, 2024: Complete application submission for Official Plan Amendment & Zoning By-law Amendments

November 21, 2023: Elective
pre-application Community Information Meeting

August 14, 2023: Pre-Consultation Document received from Town.

July 27, 2023: Pre-Consultation Meeting Held.

July 18, 2023: Pre-Consultation Meeting Request Submitted.

Consultant Team

  • Landwise
  • gh3*
  • C.F. Crozier & Associates Inc.
  • GEI Consultants Ltd.
  • Lithos Group Inc.
  • J.E. Coulter Associates Limited
  • Shoreplan Engineering Limited
  • Landtek Limited
  • Gradient Wind Engineering
  • J.D. Barnes Limited

Share Your Thoughts

We believe that collaboration is key to building a strong community.

Should you have any comments or questions please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 905-574-1993.